Eska Creek Kennels started the day we decided to get our first Chessie. Blue was the sweetest little guy, just enamored with my husband from day one. He sat in the puppy pen patiently waiting for  his turn to be picked up, simply staring, and watching every move “Dad” made. Eventually he was picked up, and the little guy was just in heaven.

The calmness of that first meeting was no fluke. For those who know the breed, this is no small thing. Temperament with any breed of dog is important, with a Chesapeake, any hunting dog really, it is crucial. There was discussion of a wilder more aggressive pup, but I lobbied for the quiet boy who never took his eyes of his person. Eventually, with some help from our breeder Lynda Barber-Wiltse, Blue was chosen and named Nuka Bay’s Eska Blue Shooter.


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