Safety in the Great Outdoors

Safety in the Great Outdoors

It is as important to puppy-proof your yard as it is your house. Never take your eyes off the young ones.
Puppy playing outside
  1. Get rid of debris

  2. Keep trash securely locked up Not only is is an annoying mess, many items in the trash are hazadous; from sharp cans to gooey plastic to bones, and paper.

  3. Hide or remove cords, cables, and wires. if they are there, the pup will find them, and chew them. Try to get ahead of the game.

  4. Remove any obstacles that could trip the puppy up.

  5. Keep fertilizer and other plant care products locked up. Be careful with chemicals like weed killers, pesticides, etc. Always read the labels, especially for fertilizers, weed, insect, and pest killers.

  6. Cover up or remove any potentially harmful plants

  7. Use a dog-safe mulch instead of rocks in your garden. Pups will eat rocks, and they will eat mulch, so look at your yard for safety.

  8. Provide your pup with a place to lie down and rest; a pad, bed or crate will work, or a simple Patio mat.

  9. Be mindful of the time of year and the climate so you can protect your puppy from the elements. Small pups get chilled quickly, and they can overheat just as quickly. Keep the direct sun to a minimum, especially with younger pups. Always have shade and clean water available.

If Pup goes into the garage, it is critical to make sure to put up all poisonous chemicals like those used in antifreeze and cleaning supplies. Most garages are full of attractive dangers, and pup should be watched at all times in that environment.

Puppy Proofing your Home

How to keep your new puppy safe by puppy-proofing your home

Congratulations on your new pup. 

It is very important to make sure you have a safe environment for your puppy, so here are a few tips…

Step 1. See the world through your puppy's eyes

One of the strangest sounding but most effective things that you can do is to get down on the floor at puppy “eye Level”. Things that don’t stand out will suddenly become much more noticeable. Check to see if there are any choke-able items on the floor — needles, coins, paper clips, staples etc.

Step 2. Set up an off-limits area to use as their safe place

Set up an off-limits area for your puppy to use as their safe place. This can be a crate or, a penned-in area, an area that you know is safe for pups, and that other pets, children, or people do not go in. It is his safe space.

Puppy Play

Step 3. Block off rooms and cover up anything you want to protect from chewing

Once pups start moving out of that safe space, things get a lot more challenging, and there are many more things to look out for. 

Step 4. Remove potential hazards

Hide/remove electrical cords, or tape them down if needed. These are not only electrical shock issues but also pups can get tangled.

Make sure that the side table is cleared off. No Medications(including OTC) are unsecured, even gum or Cough drops can have dangerous consequences.

Put away knick-knacks and collectibles that can easily be broken or swallowed.

Remove tippy or lightweight furniture. Pups, and some grown dogs, are not “body-aware”, and it is not uncommon for a pup to not know where his butt is, especially when playing.

Tie up drapes or anything hanging down. Tassels, fringe, bind cords, strings, tablecloths, etc. Not only will they be damaged, but if they are eaten, they can cause serious blockages and intestinal problems.

Step 5. Remove household plants

A surprising number of common house plants can make your pets sick if eaten. It is best to move them, to where the pup cannot get to them. Not to mention, digging in the dirt is great fun!


Step 6. Put away all food.

Make sure no snacks are left where pup will see, smell or reach for them. Not only is people food a bad habit to start (see post on No People Food) many foods can make your dog very sick, and some can even kill them. In little puppy bodies, even a tiny amount can be critical.

I have had dogs open cupboards, and they are so fast sometimes you don’t even see them grab it.

Puppy proofing is important for keeping your furry friend healthy and happy! It also helps you keep your sanity!

Staring at Dogs

 The American Kennel Club has a great article on 

“Why You Shouldn’t Stare Down a Dog”


Jessee the Chessie

Many breeds have a normal propensity to look long and hard at anything new. It is certainly an issue with a Chessie.  CBRs are visual, thoughtful, and naturally protective, which also look like a very cautious and suspicious approach. 

When approaching any dog for the first time, always go slow, especially if you have your dog with you.

Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, like many breeds,  will most often see a direct stare as a challenge.  When meeting new dogs or people watch your dog and be aware of any direct staring. 

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